1. Czone
  2. Teaching and learning
  3. School improvement
  4. Teacher profile and reporting

Teacher profile and reporting

We recommend you write summary profiles at the end of:

  • November and February for teachers who are not yet good
  • November and June for teachers who are developing towards outstanding

To complete the strengths and areas for development in the profiles, use the school’s own:

  • approach to analysing pupil progress
  • criteria and recording sheets for lesson observations and book scrutinies

Guidance on completing a teacher profile [24.8 KB] [docx]

Teacher profile template  [21.3 KB] [docx]

Example performance targets template [21.3 KB] [docx]

Headteacher reporting to the governing body

Headteacher reports to the governing body guidance [52.7 KB] [docx]

The guidance is from practice in schools judged by Ofsted to have:

  • good leadership and management, including governance
  • rapid improvement to the effectiveness of the school

Headteacher reporting template [58.3 KB] [docx]

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