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  3. School improvement

School improvement

Writing a school improvement plan

Guidance on writing effective school improvement plans [31.8 KB] [docx]

This guidance explains how to write an effective school improvement plan (SIP).

Criteria for judging a SIP [23.2 KB] [docx]

The criteria is useful for school leaders and governors when evaluating the effectiveness of their school improvement planning.

An example school improvement plan and guidance is below:

SIP and self evaluation template [64.0 KB] [docx]

SIP and self evaluation template guidance [30.8 KB] [docx]

School improvement procedures

School improvement procedures [75.3 KB] [docx]

Actions for:

  • East Sussex County Council
  • individual schools
  • school partnerships

These aim to secure ongoing improvement in schools and in outcomes for pupils.


Schools and academies do not have to complete a standard template to self-evaluate. However, they must have documentation to support this.

An example SEF is below.

Guidance on self-evaluation (SEF) [34.9 KB] [docx]

Self-evaluation document [41.7 KB] [docx]

The Council and the Primary Board can commission a leadership review. There will be a leadership reviews for schools that:

  • self-assess as category 3 or 4; and
  • are at risk of an Ofsted judgement of Requires Improvement (RI) or lower

Schools can also broker their own leadership reviews. These reviews may be particularly useful for schools which are:

  • midpoint between inspections
  • under a new headteacher’s tenure

Preparing for Ofsted

Ofsted has helpful resources on their Education inspection framework (EIF). These include:

Read, review and use these documents alongside the school inspection handbook.

Teacher profile and reporting

We recommend you write summary profiles at the end of:

  • November and February for teachers who are not yet good
  • November and June for teachers who are developing towards outstanding

To complete the strengths and areas for development in the profiles, use the school’s own:

  • approach to analysing pupil progress
  • criteria and recording sheets for lesson observations and book scrutinies

Guidance on completing a teacher profile [24.8 KB] [docx]

Teacher profile template  [21.3 KB] [docx]

Example performance targets template [21.3 KB] [docx]

Headteacher reporting to the governing body

Headteacher reports to the governing body guidance [52.7 KB] [docx]

The guidance is from practice in schools judged by Ofsted to have:

  • good leadership and management, including governance
  • rapid improvement to the effectiveness of the school

Headteacher reporting template [58.3 KB] [docx]

Education Boards in East Sussex

Primary, Secondary and Joint Boards

There are three strategic bodies which oversee improvements to education settings in East Sussex.

  • The Primary Board oversees early years providers and primary schools.
  • The Secondary Board oversees all secondary schools and post-16 providers.
  • The Joint Board brings together the work of the primary and secondary boards.

Each board covers local authority schools, standalone academies and schools within multi-academy trusts.

The role of the boards is to:

  • support delivery of the Excellence for All Vision and agree priorities for improvement
  • oversee the quality of education provided by schools
  • facilitate strong local partnerships between schools

This short video provides an overview of the work of the Joint Board by the Chair, Peter Marchant.

For further information, please contact Kerry.Bennett@eastsussex.gov.uk

- Joint Board by the Chair, Peter Marchant

Watch on YouTube: "Joint Board by the Chair, Peter Marchant"

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