1. Czone
  2. Health and wellbeing
  3. Healthy schools
  4. My Health, My School survey

My Health, My School survey

The My Health My School survey is a pupil perception survey of health and wellbeing. It is free for all schools in East Sussex. It gathers children and young people’s views, behaviours and choices about their health and wellbeing.

The survey is available for year groups 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Post-16. It is easy to use and provides schools and colleges with instant access to their data.

The School Health Service can support your school to use the survey and plan activities from the responses. They encourage schools to use the survey as part of their whole school approach.

The summary of survey responses can:

  • help develop or update your whole-school health improvement action plan (part of the School Health Check)
  • help you plan and deliver more effective PSHE education tailored to your school community
  • inform planning of targeted support services and pastoral care practice
  • provide evidence for Ofsted inspections on whole-school improvement work

Support with the survey

Schools and colleges taking up the survey get support materials. These guide staff on the safe, anonymous completion of the survey.

Pupils get materials to help them understand what they are being asked and why. This includes a pupil diary which is provided a week before the survey.

Pre and post-lesson plans are also available.

Register for the My Health, My School survey

Email the School Health Service at: kchft.schoolhealthplan@nhs.net 

Please note, it can take up to 7 days to activate your survey.

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