In-year admissions

An in-year admission takes place outside the normal entry times. We recommend parents and carers apply online.

What to do and when

Schools should check Schools Access Module (SAM) regularly for applications (at least twice weekly during term time).

Inform the Admissions team:

  • as soon as vacancies arise and
  • if places have not been accepted within 10 school days

Community and voluntary controlled schools

Staff working in community and voluntary controlled schools should not offer places to applicants. All offers should come from the Admissions team:

  • If there is a vacancy, we will offer the place by email and advise the parent to contact the school to arrange a start date.
  • If there's competition for a place, we will offer the place to the child with highest priority.
  • If there are no places available, we will resolve the application. Families will then have the right to appeal and go on the waiting list.   

Waiting list offers will also come from the Admissions team.

Community and voluntary controlled schools are legally required to comply with admission decisions made by East Sussex County Council.

Own admission authority schools

Schools must notify the council of the outcome of applications within 5 school days of receiving (not downloading) them. This ensures that we meet statutory deadlines around offering a school place and referring to the Fair Access Protocol.

For the steps to take and when, see: Guide for own admission schools - In-year admissions process and timeline [1.4 MB] [pdf]

Own admission authority schools are legally obliged to:

  • Make admissions decisions in accordance with the requirements of the School Admissions Code 2021, whether they opt into the scheme or not. 
  • Comply with the locally agreed Fair Access Protocol

Services to schools

We can provide services to assist own authority schools with the admissions process. Find out more on Admissions | Services 2 Schools

In-year admissions guidance

East Sussex County Council in-year admission arrangements 2023-24 [276.7 KB] [pdf]

East Sussex County Council coordinated scheme for in-year admissions 2023-24 [279.9 KB] [pdf]

School admissions code | GOV.UK

East Sussex Fair Access Protocol 2021 

Challenging behaviour refusal form

A form is available for schools to use if they wish to refuse to admit a student in years 8 to 11 whose behaviour can be challenging, even if you have space available.

Download the Challenging behaviour refusal form [147.2 KB] [docx]

Email the form to within 5 school days of receiving the application.

Contact the Admissions Team

If you have any queries:


Phone: 0300 330 9472 (10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday)

Email Fair Access Protocol queries to 

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