1. Czone
  2. School admissions
  3. Fair Access Protocol

Fair Access Protocol

All local authorities must have a Fair Access Protocol. [484.4 KB] [docx]

This enables them to quickly offer a school place to vulnerable unplaced children.

All admission authorities are legally required to participate in their local Fair Access Protocol. This includes academies and free schools.

Who qualifies?

There are several reasons why a child may qualify for admission under the Fair Access Protocol. Often there will be no behaviour concerns or other additional needs.

The list of categories of children who qualify under the protocol is in section 3 of the East Sussex Fair Access Protocol.

If you have any questions, email: Fair.AccessProtocol@eastsussex.gov.uk

Fair Access Protocol requests

The headteacher will receive a secure email with a request to admit a child via the Fair Access Protocol. The headteacher must respond within 72 hours. If there are no objections within that time limit, the place is allocated.

If the headteacher is away or unable to monitor their email account during term time, it is wise for someone else to do this.

For each child admitted under the protocol, the school receives a credit. This informs future decisions about where children are allocated places under the protocol.

Revisions to the East Sussex Fair Access Protocol

East Sussex County Council has agreed a new Fair Access Protocol in line with the government school admissions code. 

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