Integrated Progress Review (IPR)

Children aged 2 living in East Sussex

The two-year check is a statutory two part process called the Integrated Progress Review (IPR). The Health Visiting team and setting each complete a two-year check. They share their checks with each other to make it an integrated review.  

These documents help you complete the IPR and reflect on your practice and provision for 2-year-olds. 

About the IPR process

Integrated Progress Review process - FAQs [222.5 KB] [docx]

IPR process overview [218.9 KB] [docx]

Blank IPR forms and an example

Integrated Progress Review Part 2 - blank [65.6 KB] [docx]

Integrated Progress Review Part 2 - completed sample [67.5 KB] [docx]

Leaflet for parents

Progress review parent leaflet [2.0 MB] [pdf] (for print only)

Best practice in the IPR

Best practice of 2-year-old leads within early years provision [219.8 KB] [docx]

Process if you have concerns related to IPR

IPR escalation process [221.8 KB] [docx]

Children who do not live in East Sussex

If a child does not live in East Sussex, the assessment will not be integrated. Follow the government guidance:

Progress check at age 2 | GOV.UK

Statutory EYFS profile assessment

It is a statutory requirement to submit an early years foundation stage profile assessment at the end of the reception year. The role of the local authority to moderate these assessments is now non-statutory. 

The local authority continues to offer a fully funded model of EYFS moderation visits and support to enable accurate assessments.

See Assessment and moderation for:

The case studies help you:

  • understand the end of year expectations
  • how to carry out moderation discussions with colleagues

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