1. Czone
  2. School admissions
  3. Free school meals
  4. Check pupil premium for reception

Check pupil premium for reception

We can check your reception intake for pupils who qualify for free school meals (FSM) to ensure you claim their pupil premium.

On the form to accept their child’s school place, parents may provide their:

  • own date of birth
  • National Insurance number

We need these details and their full name to check if a child qualifies.

Enter this data before you run the FSM report in your school management system. We do not process paper applications for this age group.

We will let you know the results. You can claim pupil premium for children who qualify.

How to submit the free school meals report

Schools using SIMS

  • SIMS instructions [615.1 KB] [pdf] on how to import the admissions FSM report
  • Download the free school meals report to run in SIMS

Schools using Arbor

  • Arbor instructions [2.2 MB] [docx] on how to import the admissions FSM report
  • Schools ICT if you need to download the report.  

Email: schoolsict@eastsussex.gov.uk

Phone: 01273 482519

When to submit your free school meals report

Supply your report after 1 September and by the third Friday in September.

This enables us to process it for the autumn census. We will process reports received after this date as soon as possible.

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