Transition to school

The early years foundation stage requires practitioners to make a professional judgement about a child’s progress and development.

Ensure that you share each child’s current level of attainment with the receiving teacher. This could be through a written record, online journal or verbal discussion.

Children with SEND

If a child is still open to the SEND Early Years Service at the point of transition, then they will be supporting their move to school and you do not need to complete the summative assessment – moving on form. Please get in touch with your allocated SEND adviser, practitioner or team leader for the transition form and guidance materials.

Summative assessment

This is a record of the child’s attainment in the setting. This document ensures that every child has a smooth and seamless transition to school. It supports professional dialogue between setting and school staff and provides reception teachers with key information.

How to complete the summative assessment

The front sheet provides essential information, as well as space for key person, child and parent voice.

For every child transitioning to reception, as a minimum you should:

  • complete the front sheet (pages 1-2)
  • provide information about the child’s characteristics of effective learning
  • if you have one, attach the child’s progress tracker to this form, or communicate the child’s current attainment levels with the class teacher.

You do not need to complete the table for the prime and specific areas if you feel you have covered this in your tracking document.

Supporting information

Ensure that you attach the latest information where you have indicated that the child has received further support. For example, a speech and language plan.

Areas of learning

Give examples of what the child can do, their achievements and if any support is needed to help their next teacher.

Please use bullet points for all tables so that information is concise and easy to read.

If you have one, please attach the child’s progress tracker or communicate the child’s current attainment levels with the class teacher. You do not need to complete the table for the prime and specific areas if you feel you have covered this in your tracking document.

When to complete the summative assessment

Start the summative assessment in the summer term and complete it before the child starts school.

Summative assessment for transition document - Moving on in 2024 [97.2 KB] [docx]

Apply for infant, junior or primary school | East Sussex County Council

Guidance for a successful transition to school [336.7 KB] [docx]

For further information or advice, email


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