1. Czone
  2. School management
  3. Student information and data
  4. Data sharing agreements with academies and free schools

Data sharing agreements with academies and free schools

Data exchange agreements

Data exchange allows schools (academies and free schools) and East Sussex County Council (ESCC) to work in partnership to improve young people’s:

  • attainment
  • progress
  • participation in education and training

ESCC must fulfil its statutory duties for all children and schools within its boundary. A key duty is the need to meet safeguarding requirements. Data exchange helps partner organisations to support the learning and welfare of children and young people.

The Council's statutory duties are to:

  • ensure there are enough school places
  • promote high educational standards
  • ensure fair access to educational opportunity
  • promote the fulfilment of every child’s educational potential
  • promote diversity
  • increase parental choice

It must also promote diversity and increase parental choice. This agreement is a formal extension of, and companion to, the protocol document provided by ESCC as part of the commercial transfer agreement.

What the information is used for

The information is used to:

  • maintain a universal directory of children resident in, or receiving services from East Sussex
  • collect once and use many times
  • provide other departments and partner organisations with information to carry out their core services

The Council also uses this data to make returns to the Department for Education. These are beneficial to the school, but are not set out in statute. For example, secondary schools - intended destinations, September Guarantee, Annual Activity Survey and headline exam results on results day.

Operational data exchange agreements

Absence notification [18.5 KB] [pdf] 

Admissions - Primary [18.4 KB] [pdf] 

Admissions - Secondary [18.5 KB] [pdf] 

Enrolment (post-16) data collection [48.3 KB] [pdf] 

Exclusions notification [19.3 KB] [pdf] 

Intended destinations [508.0 KB] [pdf] 

Monthly census [24.6 KB] [pdf] 

School data [23.0 KB] [pdf] 

SEN data returns - Primary [20.3 KB] [pdf] 

SEN data returns - Secondary [20.2 KB] [pdf] 

September Guarantee [48.6 KB] [pdf] 

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