1. Czone
  2. Safeguarding
  3. Prevent duty - preventing extremism
  4. Report radicalisation or extremism

Report radicalisation or extremism

Schools and childcare providers are expected to assess the risk of children being drawn into terrorism.

If you are concerned that someone is vulnerable to radicalisation you must refer them to the Channel programme for support at an early stage. This is a police-led, multi-agency partnership. Its role is to evaluate referrals of individuals at risk of being drawn into terrorism. Channel identifies individuals for early intervention and support.  

When to refer

Only refer children when there is:

  • very clear evidence that they are being radicalised or are developing an ideology
  • clearly no alternative or equal way to deal with the issue

Simply being attracted to a group that has extreme ideologies does not justify a referral. You need to identify additional behaviours that suggest they are moving towards terrorism.

This includes supporting extremist ideas that are part of terrorist ideology.

Make a referral

  1. Complete the Prevent referral form [55.5 KB] [docx] 
  2. Email it to PreventReferralsEastsussex@sussex.pnn.police.uk

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