1. Czone
  2. Inclusion
  3. Participation in education, training and employment

Participation in education, training and employment

September Guarantee

All young people will receive a guaranteed offer of learning by the end of the September after they complete year 11. This guarantee also applies when they complete year 12.

This commitment is called the September Guarantee and it has four parts:

  1. Identifying every young person in years 11 and 12. Ensuring they receive the information and help they need to apply for appropriate post-16 provision.
  2. Making an offer of a place in learning that takes account of the young person’s needs.
  3. Recording offers made to young people. This allows us to see those who have not received an offer and give them ongoing support to make applications.
  4. Ensuring that there are enough appropriate places.

Find out more on the September Guarantee | GOV.UK

Data on participation and NEET

Increasing the number of young people participating in education, training or employment with training is a key priority for East Sussex County Council and its partners.

Local authorities have a statutory duty in relation to participation. For more on this, read the statutory guidance on participation | GOV.UK

We collate monthly participation dashboards showing participation data for 16 and 17-year-olds (academic years 12 and 13).

You can view these on Data | Careers East Sussex

Department for Education (DfE) participation reports

The DfE produces data showing:

  • the proportion of 16 and 17-year-olds in education and training
  • an estimate of those not in education, employment or training (NEET)

NEET and participation: local authority figures | GOV.UK

Young people NEET or activity unknown: comparative data scorecard | GOV.UK

School destination dashboards

The Aspire Team produce detailed school destination dashboards. These are available for the whole county and by individual school on Data | Careers East Sussex

They give an overview of leaver destinations throughout year 12. This includes the number of leavers:

  • who became NEET at any time
  • whose situation is unknown to the local authority 

Annual activity survey

Each autumn, we carry out a survey of the destinations of year 11 full-time students. This covers students from all maintained mainstream schools, special schools and virtual colleges.

The survey shows:

  • intended destinations
  • September Guarantee status
  • current situation (in October)

The DfE uses the data to inform the learner destination measures.

The following reports are available as part of the annual activity survey:

  • East Sussex all schools report shows the data by destination type as a percentage for each school and by geographical area
  • Learner level destinations report of all year 11 leavers are available going back to 2005. These reports are only made available to individual schools.

If you would like access to them, email Aspire@eastsussex.gov.uk

Learner destination measures

The DfE publish performance tables which show the destinations of pupils the year after they leave. This data is used to assess an institution's success in:

  • preparing learners for future progression
  • delivering careers education and information, advice and guidance (CE/IAG)

There are two measures:

  • The number of students in a sustained destination for 6 to 12 months after finishing key stage 4.
  • The destinations of learners after A level or equal qualifications (key stage 5)

View the latest data: Key stage 4 destination measures | GOV.UK

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