
Support for pupils at risk of exclusion

Before deciding whether to exclude a child from school:

Additional needs plan (ANP)

A pupil who has had several fixed-period exclusions, and is at risk of more, may have special educational needs. They should have an additional needs plan.

This school-based plan is to help a pupil manage their behaviour.

Process for suspensions or permanent exclusions

If you still plan to exclude the pupil, follow the procedure in the statutory guidance:

School suspensions and permanent exclusions | GOV.UK

This is for maintained schools, academies, free schools and pupil referral units.
It explains your legal responsibilities.   

For information and templates to help meet your statutory obligations, read the:

East Sussex exclusions guidance [867.5 KB] [doc]

Informing the council about an exclusion

You must inform Children's Services within 24 hours of issuing the notice of exclusion to parents.

Complete the EXNO1 Exclusions notification form [80.0 KB] [docx].

Email the form and a copy of the letter you sent to the parents to: SchoolPex@eastsussex.gov.uk

Contact for exclusions advice

Phone: 01273 481 967

Email: school.exclusions@eastsussex.gov.uk

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