1. Czone
  2. School admissions
  3. Home education
  4. How to off-roll for home education

How to off-roll for home education

The parent de-registers the child with an off-rolling letter.

The letter must:

  • include a parental signature
  • be delivered by recorded delivery or by hand
  • correctly identify the child
  • state clearly that the child will receive elective home education.

The school should email a copy of the parent's de-registration letter to off-rolling@eastsussex.gov.uk

As soon as the child is de-registered, the headteacher should use the off-rolling form to inform the local authority. 

Off-rolling system access

You need a Czone account to off-roll a pupil.

If you do not have an account, a colleague with an account can request one for you using the Czone account request form.

Information to include on the form

Complete the form in full and include the following information:

  • The reason for off-rolling from your school’s perspective.
  • Attach a copy of evidence from a meeting where the parents discussed their request to home educate.
  • Any concerns the school has about the suitability of home education. This includes parental literacy, the relationship between parent and child, avoidance of prosecution or other.
  • Other agency involvement.
  • Any safeguarding concerns. If this request to off-roll triggers a safeguarding concern, follow the usual safeguarding procedures.

Off-rolling form for independent schools

Independent schools should complete this form to off-roll a pupil:

Off-rolling form for independent schools [50.0 KB] [docx] 

Email it to off-rolling@eastsussex.gov.uk

School Attendance Order or Education Supervision Order

Before de-registering the child, the parent should seek to have the order revoked by the local authority. This is because the parent is providing a suitable education other than at school.

If they fail to do so, the child will remain on the register and the parents could be prosecuted or issued with a penalty notice.

If you have any concerns that the child will not receive a suitable education, contact Teaching and Learning Provision (TLP).

Phone: 01273 336 888

Email: TLP@eastsussex.gov.uk

How to contact TLP

Area contacts

Lewes and Coastal: 01323 463 414   

Wealden:  01273 466 906

Hastings and Rother: 01273 335 973

Eastbourne and Hailsham: 01273 335 496

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