Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)
SACRE is a statutory body established by East Sussex County Council. It advises the Council on the teaching of religious education (RE) and collective worship in schools.
The Education Act of 1996 (sections 390-397) sets out the role and function of SACRE. It reports annually to the Council about its work and progress.
The role of SACRE
- Developing the Local Agreed Syllabus for the teaching of RE.
- Professional development and training relating to RE.
- Teaching methods.
- Matters relating to collective worship.
Determination on collective worship
The law states that most acts of collective worship in a term should be ‘wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character’.
If a headteacher feels this requirement is not suitable for some or all pupils in their school, they can apply to SACRE for a ‘Determination’ to lift it.
SACRE collective worship - Seeking a Determination [451.9 KB] [docx]
SACRE documents
SACRE Annual Report [265.7 KB] [pdf]
SACRE Code of Conduct [1.1 MB] [docx]
SACRE Constitution [442.4 KB] [docx]
SACRE Fasting in Ramadan Guidance [266.7 KB] [pdf]
Contact SACRE
Email the Clerk to SACRE:
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