Early years pupil premium (EYPP)
The early years pupil premium (EYPP) is additional funding to improve the outcomes for disadvantaged 3 and 4-year-olds.
Settings receive this funding three times a year for eligible children. You identify eligible children through your early years education entitlement (EYEE) headcount.
How to spend the EYPP
You can choose how to spend the pupil premium, but you must base it on the needs of the eligible children at your setting.
For advice on how best to spend it, email EYEE@eastsussex.gov.uk
Ofsted inspectors will look at the progress of children who are eligible for the EYPP. They want to know about the positive impact it has on children's learning and development.
You can use the EYPP evaluation form to help record the impact of any intervention.
EYPP evaluation form - blank [24.5 KB] [docx]
EYPP evaluation form - example [25.9 KB] [docx]
EYPP poster for parents [137.0 KB] [pdf]
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