Quality Mark for Inclusion (ESQMI)
The East Sussex Quality Mark for Inclusion (ESQMI) is a set of expected criteria. Schools use it to evaluate the quality of their inclusive practice.
It enables SENCOs, senior leadership and governors to review current practice for pupils with SEND.
How to access ESQMI
It is an online self-evaluation tool. Each school has a login to it via Evaluate My School.
Benefits of using the online tool
- Schools can identify priorities for their school development plan.
- Schools have an efficient tool for evidencing impact and best practice.
- The Council can identify best practice and target support for other schools.
We encourage schools to update the ESQMI at least once a year. This serves as a reflective, self-audit for your setting.
The Council monitors ESQMI submissions. Every two years, we visit schools to see how the tool is enhancing provision.
Guidance for completing ESQMI
Instructions on completing the ESQMI [802.0 KB] [docx]
For further information, including login details, contact the SEN Standards and Practice Team:
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