Spectrum autism support for children and young people
Spectrum helps autistic children and young people (aged 0 to 19 years) to join in with activities in their community.
What Spectrum offer
Spectrum offers support in five key areas (examples of possible Skills Award modules):
Friendships and social skills
- Making, maintaining and repairing friendships
- Exploring social skills
- Building positive relationships
- Self-awareness
- Social meet-ups
Inclusive activities
- Supported engagement in an after-school club
- Community activity engagement
- Saturday club engagement
- Knowing and exploring my local area and community
- Travel training for secondary school or college
- Travel training in my community
- Using money
- Keeping myself in my community
- Building my confidence to take the next step
Identify and self-care
- Health and hygiene
- Healthy routines
- Understanding changes to me and my body
- Social media and safety online
- Understanding myself and my identity
Exploring emotions
- Understanding my emotions
- Exploring my emotions through drawing and talking
- Zones of regulation
- Self-awareness and awareness of others
- Exploring my anxieties and worries
Get support from Spectrum
Parent and carers can self-refer directly to this service using the Spectrum referral form.
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