1. Czone
  2. School management
  3. Internal audit - Orbis

Internal audit - Orbis

Orbis provide assurance that there is adequate financial management and governance in schools.

Our service is professional, objective and independent. We can provide support with both financial and non-financial matters. We help you identify risks and develop a control environment, to reduce their impact on your school.

Statutory responsibilities – not chargeable

We review all maintained schools as part of our statutory duties. This work is not chargeable:

  • Routine school audits as part of a rolling programme. 
  • Themed audits of high risk processes, based on a sample of maintained schools.
  • Ad-hoc advice on risk management, control and governance processes.

When we audit depends on the last audit visit and opinion. We may prioritise an audit due to risk factors, such as the financial position of the school.

Traded services

Your school can commission additional work, such as a:

  • bespoke audit
  • controls-based health check
  • grant claim audit and sign-off

Assurance services for academies

We also offer high-quality audit and assurance services for academies. We tailor these to meet the needs of the individual academy and trust. 

How to commission work

To find out more, visit Internal Audit Service | Services 2 Schools

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