1. Czone
  2. School management
  3. Emergency procedures
  4. Bomb threat action plan

Bomb threat action plan

  1. Record details, referring to the Bomb threat checklist [30.0 KB] [docx] 

  2. Alert on-duty Senior Leadership Team or headteacher.

  3. Call 999. Fully brief police and implement advice given.

  4. Nominate police liaison and have a plan of the school available.

  5. Evacuate to predetermined location (this may be off-site).

  6. Reconcile registers – account for everyone.

  7. Call ESCC Children’s Service Emergency Line (01273) 481316. ESCC will assist with media, etc.

  8. Consider update to parents via Parent-mail or text. Update website.

  9. Consider parent collection of pupils.

  10. De-brief - review and revise plan.

Print the schools' bomb threat action plan [29.6 KB] [docx]

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