Ukrainian refugees

Talking to children about Ukraine

News sources for children

  • First News is a weekly newspaper written specifically for children. It enables them to access the news in an easy to understand and non-threatening way.
  • Newsround is a useful starting point for children to access world news. 

Refugee children

Staying safe

  • Stay safe in the UK | Hope for Justice has also collated a suite of materials that will support people from Ukraine.
  • Keeping children safe in the home | NSPCC: With the placement of families from Ukraine, there is an increased need to provide parenting support – especially as there may be some parenting differences. For example, in Ukraine it is more common to leave younger children unsupervised during the day and use physical discipline. This NSPCC resource explains some of these issues and includes a guide for host families. It also provides good parenting resources and advice that could be shared with Ukrainian parents. 

Spreadsheet of useful links

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