1. Czone
  2. Inclusion
  3. Equality and diversity
  4. Black History Month

Black History Month

Black History Month is an internationally celebrated event which takes place annually in October.

It aims to:

  • promote knowledge of black history and experience
  • share information about positive black contributions to British society
  • increase the confidence and awareness of black people in their cultural heritage

Schools can use this month to celebrate the achievements of black and minority ethnic people, and explore issues of identity, racism and belonging.

This work will provide an excellent contribution to your school’s work on promoting community cohesion, which is statutory duty. It also helps schools comply with the Equality Act 2010, by fostering good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

Black History Month activities

How much do you and your students know about the contributions to British society made by Benjamin Zephaniah, Diane Abbott, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Mary Seacole, Stephen Lawrence and William Cuffay?

These are just some of the famous black Britons who you can use to get started with your work on Black History Month. You can select research subjects that are suitable for the age and interests of your students.

Pupils can:

  • Research the individuals in pairs or small groups, and develop presentations or role plays about them.
  • Compile a display of research notebooks and drawings.
  • Choose particular individuals to research in greater depth, presenting their findings in a variety of ways. For example, a PowerPoint presentation, drama, artwork and living picture.
  • Present an assembly or series of assemblies based on their research and invite parents to contribute or watch.

Black history resources

There are plenty of published materials available to enrich your school environment and support teaching. Some publishers specialise in multicultural books and resources. Search for ‘multicultural books’ on Google.

Find out about Black history milestones | History.com

Useful websites

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