1. Czone
  2. Health and wellbeing
  3. Holiday activity and food (HAF)

Holiday activity and food (HAF)

Our holiday food and fun activities are part of a national programme called Holiday activity and food. The Department for Education (DfE) provide the funding for this programme.

The national programme

All local authorities in England coordinate some free holiday provision. The clubs provide healthy food and enriching activities for school children up to year 11.

This is free for children who receive benefit-related free school meals

In October 2021, the DfE confirmed funding for this programme for at least the next three financial years.

To find out more, visit Holiday activities and food programme | GOV.UK

Holiday activity and food in East Sussex

Children’s Services lead the programme in East Sussex. We have a network of providers, schools and other partner organisations. The development, delivery and coordination of the programme is a collective effort.

To help develop the programme, we encourage participation from:

  • schools
  • businesses
  • voluntary, community and social enterprise groups

Get involved

We would love to hear from providers, particularly schools, that would like to get involved. You could run a provision, provide a venue, or signpost eligible families.

To find out more, get in touch with the HAF team. We will be happy to discuss how you could get involved and guide you through the next steps.

Contact the HAF team

Email: HAF@eastsussex.gov.uk

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